Mar 22, 2009

o fim da saga

on 18 mar 2009, at 10:04, e. wrote:
hi j., do you think it is possible to get the corrections before the end of this month? i have my laptop (with p.e.a.t installed) back in portugal, and since i'm going there on holidays, it would be good to have the corrections with me. thanks.

on 18 mar 2009, at 11:53, j. wrote:
j.: i hope so. i'm still waiting for the signed letter from keith. i can send you the list of corrections, but things have to go through the examinations board first, and they might make changes to what you have to do.... my advice would therefore be not to do anything until we have a decision from them. cheers.

on 18 mar 2009, at 12:47, j. wrote:
signed form was just received and i sent it off to the examinations board. you should hear something soon i'd suspect.

on 18 mar 2009, at 14:33, j. wrote:
e, can you help g.?
forwarded message:
on 18 Mar 2009, at 12:56, g. n. wrote:
j., m. says she has the report on the above msc thesis, which i will lodge today. however, exams also need a hard bound copy of the corrected thesis lodged (by this week) if not already done so. do you know if e. has done this? please advise. regards, g.

deixo-vos encontrar o erro...

e o fim da saga?

recebi as correcções via g. (responsável pelos graduate studies no conway institute), consegui uma extensão de uma semana para envio da tese corrigida, corrigi a minha tese (22 sugestões para uma tese de 120 páginas - not bad), e a tese segue amanhã caminho para a secretária da g. (porque pelo j. já nada lhe passa pelas mãos - pelo menos não da minha parte). uma possível viagem a 04 de junho a dublin para a conferring ceremony, mas nada de concreto por enquanto.

e assim encerra mais um capítulo da minha vida. novo virar de página.


SmartinS said...

Parabéns Li, há que comemorar!! ;) Agora, rumo a um novo capítulo da tua vida que seguramente te trará melhores momentos! Beijos grandes


Could be