Jun 30, 2009


...e as reclamações.

em portugal, já tinha por hábito usar (e abusar) do livro de reclamações, vulgo "livro vermelho". polícia municipal de braga, polícia de barcelos, repartições das finanças de barcelos, brisa, aeroporto sá carneiro... - a lista é longa. todas estas entidades tiveram direito ao meu testemunho por escrito, e é óbvio que (quase) nenhuma me deu razão - ou não estaríamos a falar de portugal.

dia 25.06, a primeira reclamação aqui na suíça:
"i've bought last week 120 96-well suspension culture plates (greiner, cat#650185) and i started using them today. unfortunately, when I centrifuged them at 4400rpm, stacking two on each centrifuge bucket, the plates broke, loosing my samples and 3 days of work. there is no information on your website nor the packaging whether the plates are suitable or not for centrifugation. i've done this before with other plates (from costar) with no problem.
it would be useful if sigma completed the technical information on its website regarding this article.

dia 26.06, a primeira resposta:
"thank you for contacting sigma-aldrich technical service and for your feedback. i will check your complaint. as soon i have new information i will come back to you. if you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me again. your inquiry to euttechserv@sial.com will be answered even if i'm not available."

dia 30.06, a segunda resposta:
"thank you for contacting sigma-aldrich technical service and for your informations regarding m3562. i forwarded your email to the product manager. please find the answer here:
- we need to know the g force or rcf (relative centrifugal force) for the 4400 rpm she is using for further investigations. i went to the greiner website and found the specification for the microplates is 4800 rcf. the rpm setting is used in calculating rcf, but the two are different measurements. i have no way of converting rpm to rcf based upon the information provided by the customer. the information regarding rcf specifications is found on page 17 of the pdf file. once the customer has provided either the rcf or the radius of the centrifuge, the rcf can then be calculated. if the rcf is below 4800 rcf i will then file the complaint. neither the greiner website or the sigma website make mention of maximum g force. the data is only available on the greiner website by accessing the pdf file linked above.
can you please provide us the additional informations?

dia 30.06, a minha resposta:
"attached the technical specifications of the centrifuge i used in my experiments (kendro heareus multifuge 4kr). On page 8 (top of the page), you will find the characteristics of the rotor/holders i used: doublespin bucket (order #75006486) coupled with the microplate adapter (order #78006478). the maximum rcf of the centrifuge is 4650 (x g) and the maximum radius, 215mm. the security system of the centrifuge does not allow the centrifuge to start if the the speed is exceeded, i.e. i can't set it up to go over 4650 x g or over 4400rpm. as you can see, i was centrifuging below the 4800 rcf recommended by greiner.
please let me know when the complaint will be filed to greiner and what is the procedure to send back the plates if the complaint go through.

será que me vão dar razão? se sim, esta será a minha "primeira" vez :)

1 comment:

SmartinS said...

ÉS UM ESPECTÁCULO MIÚDA! É um orgulho ter uma amiga como TU :)