May 2, 2009

"diary" by chuck palahniuk

... autor de "fight club".

* the official name for your liver spots is hyperpigmented lentigines. the official anatomy word for a wrinkle is rhytide. those creases in the top half of your face, the rhytides plowed across your forehead and around your eyes, this is dynamic wrinkling, also called hyperfunctional facial lines, caused by the movement of underlying muscles. most wrinkles in the lower half of the face are tatic rhytides, caused by sun and gravity.

* your skin comes in three basic layers. what you can touch is the stratum corneum, a layer of flat, dead skin cells pushed up by the new cells under them. what you feel, that greasy feeling, isy our acid mantle, the coating of oil and sweat that protects you from germs and fungus. under that is your dermis. below the dermis is a layer of fat. below the fat are the muscles of your face

* when you pull up your upper lip - when you show that one top tooth, the one the museum guard broke - this is your levator labii superioris muscle at work. your sneer muscle. let's pretend you smell some old stale urine. imagine your husband's just killed himself in your family car. imagine you have to go out and sponge his piss out of the driver's seat.

* after you know about biology, you don't have to be used by it.

* you can’t put up with anything less than lovely. you spend your life running, avoiding, escaping. that quest for something pretty. a cheat. a cliché.

* if emotion can create a physical action, then duplicating the physical action can re-create the emotion.

* leonardo's mona lisa is just a thousand thousand smears of paint. michelangelo's david is just a million hits with a hammer. we're all of us a million bits put together the right way.

* just for the record, the weather today is partly suspicious with chances of betrayal.

* grace says, "we all die." she says, "the goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.

* there is nothing special in the world. nothing magic. just physics.

* what you don't understand you can make mean anything.

* if you're not drunk and half naked by this point, you're not paying attention.

* your handwriting. the way you walk. which china pattern you choose. it's all giving you away. everything you do shows your hand. everything is a self-portrait. everything is a diary.

* just for the record, the weather today is calm and sunny, but the air is full of bullshit.

* all the effort in the world won't matter if you're not inspired.

* if you're here, then you've failed again.

* we were here. we are here. we will always be here. and we've failed again.

* everyone's in their own personal coma.

* you have endless ways you can commit suicide without 'dying' dying.

* let’s look in the mirror. really look at your face. look at your eyes, your mouth.
this is what you think you know best.

* if you're a little confused right now, relax. don't worry. all you need to know is this is your face.

* these are the tree layers of your skin. these are the three women in your life. the epidermis, the dermis, and the fat. your wife, your daughter, and your mother.

* now, smile — if you still can.

último livro lido entre a ida e o regresso.

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