Apr 17, 2009

quando me sobe

...a mostarda ao nariz!

10 dias de férias e quando regresso:
- ninguém lavou o material utilizado (erlenmeyers empestados a bactéria deixam uma marca olfactiva na memória de qualquer um);
- as bancadas/espaços de trabalho estavam irreconhecíveis (marcas de um qualquer produto químico não identificado e material ao abandono);
- o lixo biológico tóxico não tinha sido recolhido nem tratado por ninguém;
- material (caro) comprado para um fim específico estava a ser usado para outro fim, isto porque ninguém se dignou verificar se havia outras alternativas,
- e a lista continua...

fumeguei, respirei fundo, fervi e... j'ai pété un câble.

hi group,

it seems like rules have to be set in order to have a good working environment in the biology labs, since we are quite a few now working in 2 small rooms.

1. everyone is responsible for his/her lab bench and other communal space/equipment. clean it after use and/or at the end of the day. may i remember you that s. got severely burn due to traces of an unknown chemical on a bench, and this kind of accident cannot/shouldn't happen again.

2. everyone is responsible for the material/labware in use. please put it in the washing machine and not in the sink - it will not be washed by itself. dry and put it back in its cupboard afterwards.

3. if you can't find a specific material/equipment ask your peers first. don't use the first thing you put your hands on. some materials are expensive and were bought for a specific use. the same can be said for sterile material. don't use it unless it is important for your experiment. if any box/bag of disposable material/chemical is near an end, please let us know (l., a. or me) so we can order more or order it yourself.

4. do not use the new micropipettes (biohit) for chemical purposes (e.g pipetting solvents)! these micropipettes were bought for the biology lab and should not be taken to other labs! there are other micropipettes which can be used and work perfectly. after use, put them back to where they belong.

5. do not put common trash in the biological waste (e.g. paper, gloves...). we are the ones who have to autoclave it and it would be good to minimise the number of times we have to do it. so be conscious of what you trash and where you do it.

my apologies for this email, but it is annoying to see that only a few of us comply with this.

enviado a todos os meus colegas, com bcc ao w.

[nota: a foto não é do meu lab mas bem podia ser]

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